The contents of this page for ON LINE LIVE DOLL EVENTS WILL REMAIN under construction, as Events are added. For latest updates, Please check back often.

EACH OF THESE EVENTS are completely private. Not held on Youtube nor fb. While you do need to be registered for admittance, we do NOT Share or Sell ANY of your information (as other sites do).

Annual Winterfest for 1/3 Scale Dolls of All Sorts

Winterfest 2025 Logo

We had so much fun at Winterfest 2025, we are planning Winterfest 2026 on Jan 23, 24, 25, 2026.

These events, while for ALL 1/3 Dolls, are focused on Culture Japan's Smart Dolls. We have Guest Speakers, Contests, Crafts, LOTS of Chat! Trivia Question, and Participates Photos GALORE are shown! And so much more.

Winterfest 2025 we were "on air" for OVER 13 Hours of ON AIR Fun, as well as the Chat being open ALL Week End and even after the week end. Event Videos are posted in the Private Pages to watch again, on LovingMySmartDoll.com for those that signed up for the Event.

Check LovingMySmartDoll.com for more detailed 2026 information

St. Pat's Bash 2025 for ALL 1/6 Scale Dolls


Peaches Blythe

PRIVATE EVENT! March 8, 2025. We are planning this event now. The plan is: FREE On Line Event. Each of the three sessions will have a DROP, that is a time for everyone there, if they chose, to have their youtube Channels and Instagram addresses Links given so that others can go and follow them.

You will NEED to be Registered on our Website. REST ASSURED: This is a Private Event, and we do NOT share or sell your information. When you come to each event, you will sign in. There will be a limited amount of people for each event, so Please get there early.

We are still working on these Events, but it will go something like this: For each Session there will be a Doll Type we will Focus on as well as a Guest Crafter. A video will play of their Craft and then we will have the Crafter LIVE to answer questions and just chat with. There will be LOTS of 1/6th doll "Chat" you will not want to miss.


10 am Rainbow High Doll - Clothing
2 pm Blythe - Oh That Big Head - Hats
6 pm Barbie - Barbie Dream House - Simple Chair

1/3 Scale Doll Summerfest?

Summer Swim Wear Pary 2024-07-14

We are seriously considering a Smart Doll Focused One Day, or Week End, Summerfest 2025. Probably Aug. The problems is: We do not want to 'use up' our resources from Annual Winterfest. So Summerfest would not be as Grand, as Winterfest.

Fall Fashion Dolls - 16" - 18" Fashion Dolls

Barbie 18 Inch 1976

This planning will not start right away. After March we will look at this seriously.

While this event would be for your Mel Oden and Tonner, Ashton Drake, 17" - 18" Barbies, and such Fashion Dolls, the focus will be on Ellowyn and Neema Dolls. That is, we could not have FREE Patterns for every type of 16" - 18" Fashion Dolls, but we could focus on what seems to be the most popular at the time.

Probably a one day event. Undetermined right now.

We are planning Guest Speakers, Contests, Crafts, FREE Clothing Patterns, and more. And Of Course.... Link Drops. That is for anyone attending that wants to, we will Drop their Links so that everyone else there can go and Subscribe to them on BOTH Youtube and Instagram.


AG Thanksgiving Outfit


For all types of Baby Dolls, current or antique Baby Dolls. This would be a one day Event with Crafts for any size Baby Dolls.


This would also include Bitty Babies, Wellie Wishers, and Miniature AG Dolls. While ALL 18" Dolls, of any Brand, are welcome, the focus would be on American Girl Dolls.

Winterfest 2026 for 1/3 Scale Dolls

We are already planning this Event for Jan 23, 24, and 25. We have already had people Volunteer to make this a Grand Event. We have even started working on information on our Website, LovingMySmartDoll.com I hope you will go take a look at the plans and come back to see them fill out throughout the year.

Our Theme is SPACE. All and Anything Space. There will be Contests and Guest Speakers, as well as Crafts and Goody Boxes, and so much more.

-- The Dolls Rescued Team
Sat, 01 Feb 2025 13:29:09 +0000

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